Ironman Distance Sponsors - $1,000.00+ (5 max)

Half Ironman Distance Sponsors - $500.00 (10 max)

Sprint Distance Sponsors - $250

Olympic Distance In-kind donations and discounts

  • Recognition varies based on value of donation

For more information about sponsoring Team Tri for Hospice’s events, please send an email to


If you are an individual interested in supporting our initiatives you can make secure donation directly by credit or debit card by clicking the button below.

Click here to make a secure donation toTeam Tri for Hospice

If you would like to donate by check, please make it payable to Team Tri for Hospice and mail to:
   Team Tri for Hospice
   407 Autumn Ridge Court
   Greensboro, NC 27455


Team Tri for Hospice - Caring to the Finish
Click here to make a secure donation by credit card

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